Our Board of Advisors consist of people who themselves have been involved directly or indirectly with philanthropy and social work. Each of them come with their years of experience and network of other change-makers that are crucial for us as a young foundation in our journey to make a difference in Indonesia, especially in the cross-cutting issue of human trafficking or modern-day slavery.

Among them are:


Miss Karina De Vega, the founder and head of the Eklesia Orphanage in Ambarawa, Central Java, an orphanage focused on the rehabilitation of children with trauma caused by social conflicts. (pantiasuhaneklesia.blogspot.co.id)







Mr. Hashim and Mrs. Anie Djojohadikusumo. They have founded ParTha’s sister-foundations: Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo (YAD) and Yayasan Wadah Titian Harapan (Wadah Foundation). YAD focuses on education (by way of scholarships/financial aid, for example), wildlife and heritage preservations as a means to promote pride in our nationalistic identity that comes from the continuation of our ancestral and cultural values (www.yad.or.id). Whereas Wadah Foundation is an international foundation focused on community development and is established with the motto of “From Women, By Community, For All.” It grew out of a need to bring hope to people by helping them help themselves and share a better future for their families and their community. Its works now have extended to East Indonesia and even to the international communities in India, Nepal and Philippines. (www.wadahfoundation.or.id).