Rahayu Saraswati D. Djojohadikusumo, or better known as Sara, received her call to join the fight against human trafficking in 2009 when she was attending a conference in London, and after doing research as well as internship at the Visayan Forum Foundation in the Philippines and seeing first-hand how the Maiti Nepal (the foundation of Miss Anuradha Koirala, recipient of the CNN Hero of the Year 2010) is run, she founded the Parinama Astha Foundation (ParTha) in 2012 with the hopes that it will be at the forefront of the fight in Indonesia.

Born on 27 January 1986 in Jakarta, Sara is also an advocate for many other causes such as gender equality, climate change and the eradication of abuse against women and children. Her advocacy for social justice has brought her into the world of politics, and she is currently a Congresswoman in the House of Representatives (DPR-RI) from the Great Indonesia Movement Party Faction, representing the Central Java IV district of Sragen, Karanganyar and Wonogiri. She is a member of the 8th Commission which partners with the Social Affairs Ministry, the Religious Affairs Ministry, and the Women Empowerment and Children Protection Ministry; as well as a member of the Inter Parliamentary Cooperation Commission (BKSAP – Badan Kerja Sama Antar Parlemen). Furthermore, she is the Head of the Media and Network Development division in the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus.

Apart from being a social advocate, Sara is also a movie actress (having won the Best Actress award at the Bali Internationa Film Festival in 2009 for her role in her debut film, Merah Putih or Red and White), singer/songwriter, dancer, producer/director and entrepreneur. She is a Climate Reality presenter trained by Al Gore in 2011, and for 3 years co-hosted an international talk show on Metro TV (a nationally broadcasted TV channel) called Talk Indonesia with former CNN anchor Dalton Tanonaka.

Rahayu Saraswati D. Djojohadikusumo, yang akrab disapa Sara, menerima panggilan hidupnya untuk ikut berjuang melawan perdagangan orang di tahun 2009 saat ia menghadiri sebuah konferensi di London; dan setelah melakukan riset serta magang di Yayasan Visayan Forum di Filipina dan melihat secara langsung bagaimana Maiti Nepal dikelola (yayasan yang didirikan oleh Ibu Anuradha Koirala, penerima gelar CNN Hero of the Year 2010), Sara mendirikan Yayasan Parinama Astha (ParTha) di tahun 2012 dengan harapan bahwa ParTha akan berjuang di garis depan untuk memberantas perbudakan modern di Indonesia.