As was explained in our Founder’s profile, ParTha was founded in 2012 “with the hopes that it will be at the forefront of the fight in Indonesia.” However, before it was founded as a stand-alone Non-Government Organization (NGO), it began its roots as a department in the Wadah Foundation in 2010. The work began with the organization of a gathering of like-minded warriors of change in Bali, where Wadah Global Gathering took place, and in which one day was completely designated to the discussion and sharing of best practices by anti-human trafficking champions from around the world. Since then, ParTha has focused its efforts on awareness raising among students, especially in under-graduates and high schoolers; partnering with other youth organizations such as TIDAR (Tunas Indonesia Raya) and schools within the YAD and Wadah Foundation’s network. Early 2017, ParTha has finally opened the doors of its first safe house for victims of human trafficking, and we hope to establish one in every province in Indonesia.

Parinama is Sanskrit for “Transformation into Hope”, because ParTha believes that every single victim who has been rescued or who has successfully escaped trafcking, when giventhe space, time and tender loving care he/she needs to fully heal emotionally and physically, then he/she will in turn become a beacon of hope for others, especially those who are still trapped in the grips of modern day slavery, and of course be an inspiration for all.

Parinama Astha adalah Sanskrit yang artinya “Transformation into Hope” atau Perubahan menjadi Harapan, karena ParTha percaya bahwa setiap korban yang berhasil diselamatkan maupun menyelamatkan dirinya, jika diberikan waktu yang secukupnya, tempat yang aman dan nyaman, maupun kasih sayang yang dibutuhkan, maka ia pun dapat menjadi harapan dan inspirasi bagi orang lain, terutama mereka yang masih terjebak di dalam kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan ini.