27 Million trapped in slavery. But each number is a story of a soul.
She could be your daughter, sister, friend.
Passport taken, locked up, and enslaved to serve 40-60 men a day.
15 years old, divorced 5 times. sold by parents to put food on the table.
Groomed by older men, doesn’t know any better but to sell herself to make any money.
27 million trapped. This Need to end now!

Rahayu Saraswati D. Djojohadikusumo, or better known as Sara, received her call to join the fight against human trafficking in 2009 when she was attending a conference in London, recipient of the CNN Hero of the Year 2010) is run, she founded the Parinama Astha Foundation (ParTha) in 2012 with the hopes that it will be at the forefront of the fight in Indonesia.

Partha is committed to help people in need.

Dalam rangka hal tersebut Parinama Astha Foundation melakukan lelang online pakaian yang telah didonasikan oleh para designer Indonesia yaitu Ghea Panggabean (@gheafashionstudio) dan Happa (@happaofficial).
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